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Award Resilience - 4 times keeping your chin up is key

Starting the journey to blitz awards is like setting sail on uncharted waters...

Thrilling yet challenging.

Filled with potential but not without its storms. 

In the vast sea of recognition, resilience becomes your compass, guiding you through the intricate process of writing award applications, facing interviews, dealing with setbacks, and leveraging your success.

At the EVAs 2023, there were two winners who’d been shortlisted no less than FOUR times before going home with a trophy.

Spoiler alert: You’re not going to win every award you enter.

That doesn’t make you a failure.

It’s not a case of having to be shortlisted X number of times before you can win a gong. But it is a case of learning and improving with each and every entry.

I’m Debbie Tilley - an expert in awards strategy and entry writing with oodles of experience and an insurmountable passion for empowering businesses just like yours.

Here I explore the critical role of resilience at every stage of the awards journey. So grab a drink and your big girl pants, and read on.

When Resilience is Key 

1 Crafting the Perfect Entry

Submitting an award entry demands resilience to take a microscope to your business and distill its very essence into a concise yet impactful narrative. It's a delicate balance between showcasing achievements and aligning with award criteria – one you might not get right on the first go. 

But once you do strike that balance, you hit gold 🥇

2 Facing the Interview Process

Certain awards involve interviews, which add an extra layer of complexity and nerves. Resilience is crucial as you prepare for potential questions. Remember: it’s not the judges’ job to catch you out, but they will be making some probing enquiries to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Judges are dying to see your passion and expertise shine through in every response. A top tip from the Red Rose Awards training session: Enthusiasm trumps nerves.

3 Dealing with Setbacks

The awards journey isn't always paved with immediate success. Resilience becomes your anchor when faced with the possibility of not making the shortlist or being shortlisted and then not winning.

It's about learning from these setbacks and using them as stepping stones for future success. 

Always ask for feedback from the judges. They can’t always give it, but always, always ask.

4 Promotion Strategy

Securing a shortlisting or even a win requires resilience in the promotion phase. Leveraging the award for ongoing benefits demands strategic thinking and resilience in navigating the post-awards landscape. No, you’re not showing off (ok - maybe a little bit. But well you should!) But, how are you going to reach all those people who really, really need your help if they don’t know you exist or don’t know you’re any good!

And as the Red Rose trainer, Richard Few said:

A lazy winner will get less than a proactive finalist.”

So, get out there and milk that shortlisting for all it’s worth.

How I Can Help.

  • Strategic Planning.  Collaborating with you to create a strategic roadmap aligning your awards strategy with broader business goals. 

  • Research Expertise. Identifying awards that align best with your business, saving you time, energy (and let’s face it, sanity!) 

  • Crafting a Compelling Narrative. That not only meets award criteria but strategically positions your brand for maximum impact.

  • Post-Awards Guidance. Resilience isn't just for the entry phase. I provide ongoing support to help you leverage your success, ensuring your award becomes a catalyst for continued growth and recognition.

  • Expert Insight. Enhance your chances of success as I guide you through potential pitfalls and help you navigate the awards landscape with confidence.

  • Strategic Positioning. An entry that aligns with your business goals requires strategic thinking. I'll provide insights to position your brand for success within the awards arena.

In the vast sea of awards, resilience isn't just a trait — it's a strategy. So, get those big girl pants pulled up and let’s go!

Let's chat about how I can bolster your award resilience.

Book your free 30-minute chat here:

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